Two Workshops with Kino MacGregor
Thu, 03 - Sun, 06 September 2015
About Kino MacGregor
Kino MacGregor is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. The youngest woman to hold this title, she has completed the challenging Third Series and is now learning the Fourth Series. After spending a major portion of her life actively engaged in personal growth work, Kino returned to Miami Beach to create a space dedicated to the integration of yoga, holistic health and consciousness. In 2006, she and her husband Tim Feldmann founded Miami Life Center, where they now teach daily classes, workshops and intensives together. Miami Life Center is a community built around yoga, holistic health and consciousness on Miami Beach see www.miamilifecenter.com. Kino is dedicated to spread Ashtanga yoga throughout the world and sharing the amazing tradition of Ashtanga yoga with everyone who is inspired to practice. In her unique, inspirational and playful approach Kino helps all her students expand and deepen their understanding of yoga and life. Yoga found its expression through her message of spiritual strength, balanced flexibility and emotional peace. Passionate about the environment, Kino recently pledged a monthly donation to Go Zero! to make her heavy travel schedule carbon neutral. As life coach and Ph.D. student in holistic health with a Master’s Degree from New York University, Kino integrates her commitment to consciousness and empowerment with her yoga teaching see www.dynamicself.com.
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s A Journey, A Workshop DVD on YouTube
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s Intermediate Series Ashtanga DVD
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series DVD
- click here to watch Kino’s Yoga Demo in Copenhagen on YouTube
Dates & Time
Workshop 1: Assisting Key Postures for Interested Stundents and Teachers In this seminar for interested students and teachers and you will learn how to approach some key postures in Ashtanga Yoga. You can only share what you directly experience so the process of teaching, assisting and guiding students includes your personal level of awareness. While there is cookie cutter method that applies universally to all people in all situations, you will experiment with communicating through hands-on assists during your teaching and during your yoga practice. You don’t have to be a Yoga teacher or super experienced practitioner to join Workshop 1. This Workshop is also suitable for all who want to gain a deeper understanding of their practice by looking at the postures from another perspective.
Thu 3rd September
10:00 – 12:00 Mysore Style 14:00 – 17:00 Assisting for Interested Students and TeachersPart One
Fri 4th September
10:00 – 12:00 Mysore Style 14:00 – 16:00 Assisting for Interested Students and Teachers Part Two Workshop 2: Ashtanga Asana Workshop for all Levels: From hip openers and fearless backbends to Handstand and other power elements
Fri 4th September
19:00 – 21:00 Open Your Hips
Gain access to the energy centers deep within the pelvis and learn to relax and release your hips into freedom. With a careful anatomical understanding of the muscular and skeletal activation needed to access the natural external hip rotation available to everyone you will have fun exploring the interior spaces of your hip joints. Make contact with your hips and unlock their potential for movement.
Sat 5th September
10:00 – 12:00 Ashtanga Power Elements
Building strength in the yoga practice is not about getting fit physically, it is about developing strength and steadiness of mind. The Ashtanga Yoga method involves increasingly hard strength postures and this class aims to give students the fundamental techniques on a physical level that will create a solid foundation and guide their inner spiritual journey as well. The journey into true power is about the journey into yourself. By challenging your limits of what you know as possible you meet yourself at a deep level and discover hidden stores of strength. The purpose of this class is to bring you closer to the true spiritual realization of your own innate power center within and is inspired by Yoga Sutra 1.13 Tatra Sthitau YatnoBhyasah: everything done to cultivate strength and steadiness of mind constitutes sincere effort toward the practice of yoga. Careful emphasis on alignment, the development of the illusive bandhas, healthy breathing and firm grounding in the spiritual tradition of Ashtanga Yoga make this class a unique offering in the world. Join this class if you are looking to build strength or for an inspirational challenge that uses strength to cross the bridge from physical to spiritual realization.
14:00 – 16:00 Fearless Backbends
If you enjoy a challenge but think you are too stiff to ever bend your back then this is the perfect class for you. By understanding how to work your body in a safe way you will learn what it takes to really bend over backwards with no fear. The secrets of deep backbends are available to you through the integration of sound anatomical principles, healthy alignment techniques and intensely fun stretches. The dynamic movement mechanics of bending your spine are the key to limitless flows of energy and in this class you will begin to explore you natural potential to for deep backbends with safety, support and enthusiasm.
Sun 6th September
09:00 – 11:00 Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series
Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.
13:00 – 15:00 Handstand Lovers
No matter how long you practice handstand is a benchmark of strength and steadiness that transcends physical disciplines. From yoga to martial arts to gymnastics a stable handstand is the key test of alignment and mastery. The only thing you need to join this class is a love of handstands. Whether you are a total beginner or have a stable handstand you will learn tools to build strength and alignment while balancing on your hands. Leave with a strength building program that you can do every day to develop the physical and emotional strength to support your handstanding journey. The workshops will be held in English. Subject to alterations. Minor changes to the schedule are possible. Any changes will be published here shortly before the workshop.
Workshop 1:
This workshop is appropriate for all practitioners with a regular practice (no beginners), who want to gain a deeper understanding of their practice by looking at the postures of Ashtanga Yoga from the perspective of a teacher, and of course for all Yoga teachers. Workshop 1 is recognized by the Yoga Alliance as „Continuing Education“ (9 h).
Workshop 2:
This workshop is appropriate for the interested student at most levels of practice, from the experienced beginner to advanced practitioner as well as for yoga teachers.