A Workshop on "Pranayama & Practical application of Bhagavad Gita in one’s practice”
Workshop mit Sri Sudhir Tiwari Thu, 23. - Sun, 26.06.2022

– Pranic Pulse Taking
– Personal Pranayama Practice Regimen
– Individual Aurvedic Consultation with Ayurvedic Pulse Taking
Workshop content
„Atma Samyam yoga or yoga of self restraint is the topic that is discussed in the chapter six of Bhagavad Gita, it is also the chapter that deals with Dhyana or meditation. This chapter discusses the essentials of practice in order to be successful in cultivating the self restraint, it outlines benchmarks of progression and the hurdles too with regards to one practice.
It also touches on the state or the stage of a practitioner, in terms of the qualities of a beginner as opposed to one who has been established, body centric versus non body centric „
„We will try to explore the essence of chapter six and see how it can be applied to our yoga practice“
Asana, Pranayama, meditational techniques and chanting will be a part of this workshop.
Yoga practiced-Yoga experienced.

Pranayamic/ Pranic pulse will be taken prior to the morning pranayama practice. At the end of the workshop based on their pulse sheet all participants will be recommended a individual Pranayama practice regimen. For participants who were recommended a practice at previous workshops with Sudhir Tiwari (or O.P. Tiwari), their progress will be checked and if needed the practice will be modified to suit the level of progress.
Personal Ayurvedic consultation with Sudhir: All participants will have the optional possibility to have a personal ayurvedic consultation with Sudhir. The dates for the appointments will be fixed together with the application. The costs for the personal ayurvedic consultation is a so called “Love offer” (means “freiwillige Spende”). The Collection box will be at the studio. At the time of consultations the ayurvedic pulse will be taken as well as ayurvedic and western herbs/remedies will be suggested, based on ayurvedic principles and on queries by the participants as well was appropriate diet references. The consultations will address health and lifesystyle issues. The Workshop will be held in English.

About Sri Sudhir Tiwari
Sri Sudhir Tiwari is the eldest son of our beloved and highly respected teacher Sri O.P. Tiwari. Sudhir was brought up at Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute, in Lonavala, India, amidst rich traditional yogic heritage of Swami Madhavdasji Maharaj, Swami Kuvalyanandaji and Swami Digambarji. Swami Digambarji initiated Sudhir in 1981 and accepted him as a disciple. Sudhir received his primary and advanced Yogic and Ayurvedic training from Swami Digambarji which included the study of traditional texts, mantra yoga, fire ceremony, pranayama and various aspects of adhyatm (spiritual) yoga.
Sudhir also learnt pranayama and Hathapradipika from his father. When you meet Sudhir, you will know he has lived and breathed yoga his whole life. He is such a humble, yet energetic and enthusiastic teacher with a mastery and knowledge of yoga you won´t be able to find very often. In his workshops you cannot only explore the tradition but also the scientific reasoning behind why we do the yogic practices. We will also be looking into ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, and why they are synergistic.
Sudhir held workshops at Pureyoga once a year since 2013. Instantly he could gain a crowd of fans. Now we are very happy to welcome him again in 2021 for a workshop at Pureyoga.
weitere Infos zu Sri Sudhir Tiwari:
- click here for a flyer about Sri Sudhir Tiwari
- click here for more information on the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, India: www.kdham.com
- click here for a video with Sudhir chanting at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2013
- click here for pics of the workshop with Sudhir at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2013
- click here for pics of the workshop with Sudhir at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2014
- click here for pics of the workshop with Sudhir at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2017
- click here for pics of the workshop with Sudhir at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2018
- click here for pics of the workshop with Sudhir at Yogazentrum PUREYOGA in 2019

Dates, Time and Content
Thursday, 23.06.2022 | ||
19:30 – 21:00 | Evening session: for details see “content” | |
Friday, 24.06.2022 | ||
07:00 – 09:45 | Pranayama Practice with Pranic pulse check and Asana Practice | |
13:45- 16:45 | Evening session: for details see “content” | |
Saturday, 25.06.2022 | ||
07:00 – 07:45 | Pranayama Practice with Pranic pulse check and Asana Practice | |
10:15 – 12:00 | Pranayama Practice with Pranic pulse check and Asana Practice | |
15:30 – 18:30 | Evening session: for details see “content” | |
Sunday, 26.06.2022 | ||
07:00 – 09:45 | Pranayama Practice with Pranic pulse check and Asana Practice | |
12:45 – 15:30 | Evening session: for details see “content” | |
Subject to alterations. Minor changes to the schedule are possible.
A detailed time table will be published shortly before the workshop.
Consultation Schedule 2022
Wednesday, 22.06.2022
15:30 – 16:30 Consultations
16:30 – 17:30 Consultations
Thursday, 23.06.2022
14:00 – 15:00 Consultations
15:00 – 16:00 Consultations
*) Consultations – Time for consultations will be approx. 20 minutes per participant.
We will fix the date and time for the appointments together with your application.

This workshop is suitable for all regular practitioners who already have
- a regular Pranayama practice and
- already attended workshops or courses in the Kaivalyadhama tradition
- AND learned in the KDHAM tradition from Sri O.P Tiwari, Sri Sudhir Tiwari, Paul Dallaghan, Horst or other teachers following the tradition
If you are not sure if this workshop is suitable for you, please don’t hesitate to contact Horst: horst@pureyoga.at, +43 699 815 99 283
We recommend that you attend the next workshop Auffrischung Pranayama mit Horst prior to the workshop with Sudhir.
This workshop is recognized by the Yoga Alliance as „Continuing Education“ (18,5 h)
Veranstaltungsort, Kosten und verbindliche Anmeldung
Veranstaltungsort: Yogazentrum Pureyoga, Einwanggasse 12/1, 1140 Wien
Veranstalter: Rinnerberger OG
Wir bitten KEINE Überweisungen ohne vorherige Anmeldebestätigung seitens Pureyoga durchzuführen.
Verbindliche Anmeldung:
Anmeldung mit Email an info@pureyoga.at UND Überweisung der Veranstaltungsgebühr. Bestätigung der verbindlichen Reservierung eines Platzes und Zusendung der Bankdetails erfolgt durch Pureyoga.
Wir bitten KEINE Überweisungen ohne vorherige Anmeldebestätigung seitens Pureyoga durchzuführen.
Achtung: Die Teilnehmer:innenzahl ist beschränkt. Die Plätze werden nach dem „First come, first serve“ Prinzip vergeben!
Wir behalten uns vor, eventuell auf Grund der aktuellen Lage, zusätzlich zu den dann geltenden behördlichen Maßnahmen für den Workshop zusätzlich PCR zu testen.
Mit Deiner Anmeldung nimmst Du zur Kenntnis und erklärst Dich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, dass aufgrund gesetzlicher Regelungen und Empfehlungen sowie administrativer Erfordernisse (insbesondere aufgrund von COVID-19) der Kurs teilweise bzw. bis hin zur Gänze auch über Online Medien (ZOOM oder ähnliches) abgehalten werden kann.
Stornobedingungen für diesen Workshop:
- bis 90 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 25% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
- bis 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 50% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
- weniger als 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn ist keine Refundierung oder Gutschrift des Kursbeitrages möglich.
- Es kann eine Ersatzperson zum Workshop oder Kurs gesendet werden. Die Personaldaten der Ersatzperson (Vorname, Zuname, Emailadresse und Telefonnummer) müssen rechtzeitig vor Kursbeginn an Pureyoga bekanntgegeben werden. Sollte jemand von einer eventuellen Warteliste den Platz übernehmen können, wird nur ein Administrationsbeitrag von € 45.-einbehalten und der Restbetrag refundiert.