Workshop mit Kino MacGregor
Fri, 30.08. - Sun, 01. 09. 2024Another fascinating workshop with Kino MacGregor in Summer 2024.
Come and join the worldwide group of „Kino-Fans“. Let Kino guide you, with her extrodinary positive energy, into a deeper Yoga Practice. Her workshops, her charisma, her knowledge and her inpiring way of teachng is a wonderful experience. Again and again. Enjoy!
Dates & Time
Fr, 30.08.2024 19:00 – 21:00
Breath & Bandha: The Magic Carpet Ride
Inhalation and exhalation are two sides of the inner body. In this class learn how the breath is the key to unlocking the mysteries of inner strength and accessing a calm, meditative mind. Only by mastering the breath will you gain true access to the power centers deep within your pelvis, often referred to as the “bandhas”. These energy locks are both physical muscles that you can access and spiritual doors that you can walk through. Often the missing key to a flowing practice, the integration of breath and bandha, lead the way to the discovery of limitless power and lasting peace both in your yoga practice and in your life.
Sat, 31.08.2024 10:00 – 12:30
Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series Led Class & Conference
Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.
Sat, 31.08.2024 14:00 – 16:00
Shoulder It
Whether you’re working on strength or flexibility, breaking down the key elements of movement mechanics of the shoulders will add depth and meaning to your practice. Understanding healthy movement in the shoulders unlocks both strength and flexibility. The yoga practice takes you through total mind and body healing. Integrating body intelligence with sound anatomical technique in this workshop will leave you with an intimacy, vibrancy, and integration through your shoulders.
Sat, 31.08.2024 16:00 – 17:00
Photo/Book signing time
Take a picture with you and Kino or let her sig your copy of one of her books.
Sun, 01.09.2024 09:00 – 11:00
Backbending Technique
If you have always wanted to deepen your backbends this class is for you! Unlock the secret to backbends and explore spinal flexibility with sound anatomical technique. Whether you are an established practitioner looking to refine your approach to asana or a newbie wishing to understand the dynamics of backbends, you will find kernels of wisdom to better inform your practice here. Start off with discussion and anatomy and then integrate the theory with practice and application. Expect to be pleasantly challenged.
Sun, 01.09.2024 12:00 – 14:00
Journey to Handstand
Yoga is all about practice, not about the goal. This class gives you a roadmap to follow on your journey to handstand. No matter where you are along the path, you’ll find technique, alignment and strength-building tools to support you on each step. If you’re inspired by handstands but feel intimidated about where to start, this class is great for you. And if you train handstands already you’ll take it to the next level. Leave with a feeling of pure joy and playfulness. Be prepared to sweat and be upside down!
Subject to alterations. Minor changes to the schedule are possible. A detailed time table will be published shortly before the workshop.
This workshop is appropriate for the interested student at most levels of practice, from the experienced beginner to advanced practitioner as well as for yoga teachers.
This workshop is recognized by the Yoga Alliance as „Continuing Education“ (10 h)
Workshop in Vienna
Petra Rinnerberger
For your booking send an Email to info@pureyoga.at AND transfer the payment the workshop costs to the account we name in our answering Email. With successful payment, your place at the workshop is confirmed.
The workshop in Vienna can be booked as as full workshop. Sorry, no individual sessions may be booked.
ATTENTION: The workshop has a limited number of participants. Places will be assigned according to “First come, first serve“ principle.
Stornobedingungen / Cancellation conditions for this workshop
Stornobedingungen für diesen Workshop:
bis 90 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 25% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
bis 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 50% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
weniger als 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn ist keine Refundierung oder Gutschrift des Kursbeitrages möglich.
Wenn Du selbst nicht am Workshop teilnehmen kannst, kannst Du eine Ersatzperson zum Workshop senden. Die Personaldaten der Ersatzperson (Vorname, Zuname, Emailadresse und Telefonnummer) müssen rechtzeitig (spätestens bis 27.08.2024) vor Workshop Beginn an Pureyoga bekanntgegeben werden. Wir führen keine Warteliste und können daher von unserer Seite keine Ersatzpersonen vorschlagen.
Cancellation conditions for this workshop:
up to 90 days before the start of the workshop/course, a cancellation fee of 25% of the total course fee will be charged.
up to 45 days before the start of the workshop/course, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total course fee will be charged.
Less than 45 days before the start of the workshop/course, no reimbursement or credit of the course fee is possible.
If you cannot participate in the workshop yh can send a substitute person to the workshop. The personal data of the replacement person (first name, surname, email address and telephone number) must be announced to Pureyoga in time before the beginning of the workshop (latest by Aug 27 th 2024). We will not have a waiting list and won´t be able to name a person as your substitute from our side.
About Kino MacGregor
Kino MacGregor is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. The youngest woman to hold this title, she has completed the challenging Third Series and is now learning the Fourth Series. After spending a major portion of her life actively engaged in personal growth work, Kino returned to Miami Beach to create a space dedicated to the integration of yoga, holistic health and consciousness. In 2006, she and her husband Tim Feldmann founded Miami Life Center, where they now teach daily classes, workshops and intensives together. Miami Life Center is a community built around yoga, holistic health and consciousness on Miami Beach see www.miamilifecenter.com. Kino is dedicated to spread Ashtanga yoga throughout the world and sharing the amazing tradition of Ashtanga yoga with everyone who is inspired to practice. In her unique, inspirational and playful approach Kino helps all her students expand and deepen their understanding of yoga and life. Yoga found its expression through her message of spiritual strength, balanced flexibility and emotional peace. Passionate about the environment, Kino recently pledged a monthly donation to Go Zero! to make her heavy travel schedule carbon neutral. As life coach and Ph.D. student in holistic health with a Master’s Degree from New York University, Kino integrates her commitment to consciousness and empowerment with her yoga teaching see www.dynamicself.com.
more Infos about Kino:
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s A Journey, A Workshop DVD on YouTube
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s Intermediate Series Ashtanga DVD
- click here to watch a trailer for Kino’s Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series DVD
- click here to watch Kino’s Yoga Demo in Copenhagen on YouTube